Buffalo Bob's Coins - Blog & News

Currency / Paper Money

July 9, 2023

Paper money inventory is now listed. All thrid party graded note images have been uploaded. Currently, there are no categories for paper money, but I will be working on that in the near future.

Since we are in the summer doldrums for coin shows, I will be working to upload images of both raw coins and paper money.

Happy Collecting!

Updating Images

July 6, 2023

All images for third party graded coins have been uploaded! Next, I will be working to get paper money inventory listed.

Site Update

March 24, 2023

I have been updating the site with images of coin inventory. I hope to knock some out every day until all coins have a picutre. For currency, I will be working on the UI in the coming weeks and hope to have that part up by the end of April.

Thank you for all the visits and comments at the local shows. I am always buying!

Happy collecting!

New Website

October 23, 2022

After many months, I have completed a preliminary version of our website. Much time went into programming the back-end, but I have a working version to a place where I feel comfortable releasing this to the public.

Please keep in mind that this website is a work in progress. Some things that will be done in the future include:

  • Purchase items online, with the ability to pay with cryptocurrency
  • Ability to add yourself to our monthly letter
  • Abililty to receive alerts for coins when we get a specific type of coin that you collect.
  • And of course, I am working to get images of all items onto the website. Taking pictures and uploading them is a time consum,ing task, so please bear with me. If you would like a picture of anything in inventory, please do not hesitate to contact us, and I will send images to you.